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Medplum is a YC Company!

· One min read
Reshma Khilnani

Medplum is a YC Company

Hello from Medplum!

Medplum is an API-first Electronic Health Record - that’s open source, and today we are announcing that we are part of the YC S22 batch.

This announcement is extra special for us because this fall marks 10 years of YC for our team. Almost a decade ago, we were the founding team of MedXT (W13 acquired by Box) and I spent 2021 as a Visiting Group Partner for the W21 and S21 batches.

Why are we back in YC?

  • Medical apps are notoriously hard to build and maintain, largely due to all the stakeholders involved and the byzantine incentive system.
  • We were inspired by trailblazing open source YC companies Gitlab, PostHog, Airbyte and many others who solve similar complex problems in other domains.
  • We believe the open source model will be especially impactful for healthcare.

Medplum makes it fast and easy to build white label medical apps that look good and are compliant and integration-ready day one.

Reshma, Cody and Rahul

Medplum with the YC Sign